Uric acid support/cleanse (herbal combinations) seems to relieve pain for several hours, in my experience.
Iown Mylife
JoinedPosts by Iown Mylife
Arthritis pain. What works for you?
by Fisherman inthere are several prescription meds people use to relieve the pain of arthritis.
they work by suppressing the immune system or by reducing inflammation.
people also use otc anti-inflammatory pills, and even anti-allergy pills are reported to work because of being able to also reduce inflammation but people tell me that they are concerned to use some meds regularly because of potential side effects in long term use.
Nosey elders and Pioneer wife's
by Foolednomore ini bought a pre-owned mercedes m class .
my second car.
and the day i drove it to the hall i was told by an elderrette that is a showy display and too much car.
Iown Mylife
i saw that kind of stuff SO many times! I bought a new pair of red shoes and an old pioneer sister said, RED SHOES!?!! Like I was madam of a brothel.
I said, Yes, i love the color red.
Meanwhile, all the fancy dress up sisters wore red high heels all the time.
What have you forgotten you ever even knew?
by Simon inat a certain point, as the years tick by, you start to realize that you have forgotten a lot of things.
typically, something you learned, some knowledge or skill you used to have, that you just haven't used for so long you no longer remember anything but that you once knew it.. i saw an article about electrical resistors the other day, and how the colored bands signify the rating.
now all i remember is that i used to know it, and that resistors do something with, erm, electricity ...
Iown Mylife
My grandson is 6 months old and it’s fun to sing to him. So there have been several mornings that i have waked with old songs playing in my head that were popular kid songs in the early 5os. Seems when you need to sing Did You Ever See A Lassie, it all comes back!
Freaky, unsettling, unnerving comment from Losch in his AGM talk
by FFGhost indid anybody else catch it?.
he said that people who come back in the earthly resurrection would be given a body "reasonably similar" to the one they had prior to death.. what the almighty hootch?.
Iown Mylife
Could be they're preparing a new possiblity. That woman IS your resurrected mother! Just because she doesn't look EXACTLY like your mother does not prove she's not your mother, brought back to life! NO, that is NOT a paid actor trying to convince you that the resurrection has begun!
Suit, shirt and tie
by JoenB75 ini always hated suit, shirt and tie and wondered why men of all walks of life should be forced to wear these uncomfortable clothes and spend the money on them.
it should be remembered some of the worst people wear them, like creepy joe, putin, dirty corrupt frauds in business, law etc.
and of course al capone.
Iown Mylife
We kept one of my husband's ties for the skeleton decoration to wear at Halloween. All the suits, dress shoes, book bags, were donated, along with all my dresses and outfits used in field service and meetings.
If any life event in the future requires "dressing up," we'll give it a miss.
I want to try something different!
by Iamallcool ini want to try new snacks at amazon.
i don’t know which one i will order within few days.
any recommendations?
Iown Mylife
For some reason there aren’t any milk chocolate candies in the grocery store, besides Reese pnut butter or hershey bar, that is. It’s all dark chocolate. So I ordered chocolate oranges from Amazon, looking forward to tasting! I wouldn’t order a melt-able except in winter tho.
Do you have 24 hour Grocery Stores nearby?
by Iamallcool ini missed my 24 hour grocery stores very much!
Iown Mylife
All of the 24-hr stores changed hours after 9/11, closing at dark. Now mostly all close around 9 or 10.
24-hr stores don’t exist here locally anymore, that I’ve seen.
Door to door again?
by Zeds Dead indo you think the jdubs will start up the door whacking again one day?.
there has to be many inside the org that are dreading having to do that again and as for the general public seeing this, it’s hard to imagine.
Iown Mylife
In ‘85 when we started fs, they made a big deal about how the d2d proved JW to be the true religion because the annoyed householders getting mad at us proved we were being persecuted as only the true religion would be.
What will JWs be told to do to draw persecution, in the absence of d2d, i wonder.
Recent Annual Meeting - Asking for Clarification
by truth_b_known inwould someone in the know please clarify for me some alleged comments given from the governing body at the recent/yet to be streamed for the rank and file annual meeting?.
it is my understanding that samuel herd basically tells the rank and file that old light is new light and the new light of july, 2013 is now old light.
to be specific, herd states that the official stance on whether or not the annointed remaining on earth, to include the governing body, will all be in heaven prior to armageddon.. at this same annual meeting tony morris iii tells those in attendance that stephen letts' statement that "we're living in the final part of the last days, undoubtedly the final part of the final part of the last days!
Iown Mylife
As with the secretive Shepherd book, the annual meeting is *ONLY* for the ones specifically invited and has to be kept all secret and confidential!! leaving the mediocre lousy dirtbag ordinary jw's to wait several months until January to get the holy spoutings.
And it's all for no reason at all. There's nothing newsworthy or remarkable about any of the 2021 content. That's probably what they want to keep secret.
Iown Mylife
Terry, I'm grateful for the heads up because i don't do well with sad movie endings these days! I won't watch the movie.
I like the NYPD Blue TV series more than the current movies available.